Monday 11 May 2020

Soc Sc (pages 50 and 51) Unit 4 What is the mouth of a river?

Social  Science (pages 50 and  51) Unit 4 What is the mouth of a river?

What bodies of water surround the Iberian Peninsula?
The Iberian Peninsula is surrounded by three major bodies of water: the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Cantabrian Sea.

Do you know what is the mouth of a river?  When we speak about a river, we must know these important words SOURCE, TRIBUTARY and   MOUTH.
  •  The source is where a river begins, it is used to be at the top of the mountain.
  • A tributary is a river or stream that flows into a larger river or lake. For instance: Manzanares river that flows through Madrid, it empties into the  Jarama river, which in turn is a  tributary  to the Tajo.
  • The river mouth is where the river joins the sea.



Rivers' Chart

INVESTIGATE Stage 4 (page 51)
Choose a river in Spain. Look for information at the top chart about where its source is in …. it flows through, its tributaries and this river's mouth is…

EBRO. Its source is in the Pico Tres Mares in the Cordillera Cantábrica, and it flows through Cantabria, Castilla León, La Rioja, País Vasco, Navarra, Aragón and Cataluña. Its tributaries are Gállego, Aragón and Cinca. This river's mouth is in Tarragona in the Atlantic Ocean.

Now it's your turn….