Monday 11 May 2020

Soc Sc (pages 48 and 49) What is the highest mountain in Spain?

We have learnt that there are different type of maps: political maps, physical maps and street maps.

  • Political maps are maps where we can see the countries, capital cities and the borders.
  • Physical maps show us natural features, for instance: mountains, rivers, plateaus, valleys, etc.
  • A street map is a map of a town  or city, showing the positions and names of all the streets.
Have you ever seen this map?  Here we can see a map of Spain.
What is missing?  ………
Now we are going to see a map of the Iberian Peninsula.

What countries are located on the Iberian Peninsula?  Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, and a small part of France are on the Iberian Peninsula.


 Social Science Unit 4  What is the highest mountain in Spain? 
Now it's time to read and listen to the track 22 (page 48)

It's very important to learn where the main mountains are located on the map. Use the map that is in your book on page 49.
Read Spain Study Sheet (page 4) Blog income Soc Sc (page 44) Unit 4 Where does flamenco come from?. Remember incomes are on the right in this blog